
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.

EMDR Therapy for Panic Attacks For no apparent reason, your heart begins to race, you are sweating, your chest hurts and taking a breath seems labored or impossible.  Chills begin to rack your spine, the world seems far away, and you honestly think you might be having a heart attack, dying, or suddenly going off...

By: A.M. Nelson, LMFT EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and it is a non-traditional type of psychotherapy.  EMDR uses eye movements (or sounds, lights, physical touch) while guided by a therapist. EMDR therapy was developed by Francine Shapiro and uses the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) theory.  The AIP is a learning theory...

Therapy for Weight Loss Cognitive behavioral therapy (known as CBT) can be a tool used with your physician and weight loss team to align thoughts, feelings, and actions with your health goals. Change requires an overhaul of thinking, feeling, and behavior. Being overweight is a known health risk. Period. Modern lifestyles, poor eating habits, emotional...

What To Expect From EMDR Therapy EMDR treatment is a unique form of psychotherapy in that it is different from “talk therapy” approaches.  It is common to wonder what to expect from EMDR therapy. While it is not required to tell trauma stories multiple times, or expose every detail of a trauma experience, you will...

Is EMDR Effective? EMDR is a type of psychotherapy that is evidenced-based to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and is also commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, fears, or performance challenges.  Evidenced-based means that there have been credible, controlled studies to evaluate the effectiveness. There are over 30 positive, controlled studies to date that confirm...

Everyone will experience a negative event or trauma at some point in their lives.  Some traumas are more difficult to heal from than others. Sometimes, a negative experience can feel as if it is “stuck” in your brain and body, causing you to live that experience over and over.   EMDR stands for Eye Movement...

EMDR is a psychotherapy treatment that is different from other approaches because it is not traditional “talk therapy.”  The focus is to process past events and memories to reduce re-experiencing negative thoughts, feelings, and associations that contribute to current life problems or distress.  It is an evidenced-based treatment to reduce symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder...

Assertive communication is saying what you mean in a way that displays mutual respect for yourself and others.  This direct and healthy style of communication offers many benefits including: sharing your needs and wants, increased self esteem, ability to say “yes” or “no” to requests, reduced inner conflict, reduced arguing and outer conflict.  This style...

Communication Styles Some people have a knack for saying what they mean in a direct and confident style of speaking.  These assertive communicators are able to stand up for themselves, express their point of view clearly, and respect the rights of other people and beliefs.  People listen to these speakers and continue to dialogue even...

Why Can’t I Sleep: Turning Bah-bah to Zzzzz If counting sheep worked, bedrooms everywhere would be covered in sheep wallpaper, hold shelves filled with sheep miniatures, and bedding would come in sheep skin or fur options.  Sensory devices to enhance sleep would feature the sounds and smells of sheep. Meditative guides would lead you through...


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166 Geary Street, 15th Floor # 1264 San Francisco, CA 94108

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